YEAHRS – „Spiritual Sickness“


limited colored vinyl, including hidden track

Wir bieten den EarlyBirdTarif von 20,-€ bis zum 25.Februar an
Offizieller Vinyl VÖ ist der 01.03.2024
Bei einem Kauf vor diesem Zeitpunkt, wird die LP am 26.02.24 versandt.

20,- € is our special presale offer till 25th of February
Official release day is March 1st 2024
The vinyl will be shipped on February 26th



„An anticipating 4-piece from Berlin flying somewhere in between the clouds of dreamy shoegaze and catchy postpunk with a glimpse of hardcore and grunge. A beautiful and energizing musical  trip“

Mit der Single „Raindrops“, die am 14.12.2023 erschien, kündigte die Band YEAHRS ihr kommendes Debütalbum „Spiritual Sickness“ an, das am 01.03.2024 auf dem Berliner/Leipziger Label Revolver Distribution Services veröffentlicht wird.

„Spiritual Sickness“ erscheint digital und in einer wertigen farbigen Vinylversion, welche als besondere Zugabe für jene Soundgourmets, die diese Band bereits auf dem Zettel haben und auf ebenddieses LP-Debüt warten, einen hidden track enthalten wird, der nur auf Vinyl veröffentlich werden wird.

Innerhalb weniger Jahre ihres Bestehens machten sich YEAHRS bereits einen Namen in der wiedererstarkten neuen Shoegaze- und Alternative-Rock-Szene und tourten bereits mit Bands wie Nothing, Soft Kill, Swervedriver, Explosions in the Sky, Hotline TNT usw. durch UK und Europa.

2017 in Straßbourg/France gegründet, nach kleiner Pause und dem Hinzustoßen der stilprägenden Gitarristin Oyémi Héssou ist die Band nunmehr in Berlin/Germany ansässig und weiterhin bestehend aus Morgan Oliveira (guitar/vocals), Thomas Neuwirth (bass) sowie Tom Claudon (drums).

Ihre EP „Transfer Transformers“ Anfang 2023 bescherte ihnen besonders aus Musikerkritiker*innen-Kreisen erste Aufmerksamkeit und manifestierte bereits, in welche Richtung der neue Sound der YEAHRS nun gehen sollte – Morgan Oliveira, Frontman und einer der kreativen Köpfe hinter Band dazu:

I would describe our sound as a mix of all our different influences. If I had to put a genre on what we do, I would say something like post-shoegaze, but we have a lot of other influences that you can hear in the music: grunge, post-punk, dream pop, indie and hardcore, for example. It’s kind of a blend of all that, something cloudy and dreamy but heavy and rough at the same time.

I couldn’t really name any artist in particular, as we generally don’t really know where we’re going when we are composing . We definitely have trademarks of our own sound now and you can hear that every time we make a new song, although we try not to close doors on our creativity by trying to sound like this or that artist.“

Das kommende Album „Spiritual Sickness“ wurde in nur einer Woche in den Echolux und Lala Studios in Leipzig aufgenommen. Morgan zum Aufnahmeprozess:

„It’s the first time we get to record all together and that everybody was present during the whole thing so it felt way more participative and fun to make than our previous EP that was recorded mostly at each others home during the covid times.

During its creation, we found ourselves immersed in a lot of content related to space exploration and the earth, universe and life’s history. This cosmic journey inevitably led to many questions that tend to linger: ‚Why something and not nothing?‘ It’s funny how exploring the vastness of the universe eventually turned into a deep dive into introspection, human consciousness, and spirituality. It’s a reflection of the realization that these unanswerable questions can indeed make you question your sanity and affect your perception of reality. „Spiritual Sickness“ tries to captures this unique sentiment In a way there is a continuity in the themes we’ve explored in our previous EP „Transfer Transform“, However, „Spiritual Sickness“ takes a more overarching and critical perspective on humanity and society, moving beyond personal emotions.

Die nun veröffentlichte zweite Singleauskopplung aus dem Album, mit der die Band nun auch offiziell den Releasetermin von „Spiritual Sickness“ ankündigt, heißt „Raindrops“ und bringt genau jenen post-shoegaze vibe der Band zurück für die sie bereits erste Bekanntheit in der Szene erlangen konnte: eine Mischung aus melancholisch-schwebenden Sounds im Geiste der Slowdives und Shields und den brachial-ästhetische Ausbrüchen, die man bei Klassikern wie Gang Of Four oder Steve Albinis Big Black verorten würde und die spüren lässt, dass die Band in ihrer Geschichte auch durchaus auf eine härtere Post-Punk-Phase zurückblickt.

In den Lyrics schlägt der Song einen poetischen Bogen über das Thema Belastung, Wachstum bis hin zur Heilung. Für „Raindrops“ veröffentlicht die Band gleichzeitig auch eines ihrer hyper-ästhetischen  Videos, in welchem die bittersüße Essenz eines introspektiven Spaziergangs in einer kalten, regnerischen Nacht in Berlin eingefangen wird.

Im Frühjahr wird die Band eine ausgedehnte Release-Tour durch Deutschland und Frankreich spielen.

englisch Version:

Although conceived in Strasbourg, France, it’s in Berlin that Yeahrs truly came to life.
Drifting between Dreamy shoegaze , infectious postpunk and sprinkled with Hardcore and Grunge,
Yeahrs sure acknowledges its classics but isn’t afraid to blend them in unconventional ways, always seeking new musical horizons.

Quickly making a mark in the shoegaze and alternative rock scene across Europe and the UK, Yeahrs has shared stages with some of the most influential references in the genre
such as Nothing, Explosions in the Sky, Soft Kill, Swervedriver…relentelessly touring and solidifying their reputation as one of the most exciting acts in the scene.

In 2023, following a brief hiatus, Yeahrs returned as a quartet and released a new EP titled „Transfer, Transform,“ setting the stage for their long-awaited and highly anticipated first album named „Spiritual Sickness,“ scheduled for release in March 2024.
A beatiful and energizing 10-track sonic journey that takes you on a rollercoaster ride amidst the clouds, with intense ascents, dizzying descents, and hypnotic moments of flight among the skies

Morgan Oliveira (guitar / vocals)
Thomas Neuwirth (Bass)
Oyémi Héssou (Guitare)
Tom Claudon (drums)

EP: „Always Almost“ (2017)
„Transfer Transform“ (2023)
ALBUM : „Spiritual Sickness (2024)


The album was recorded at Echolux and Lala studios in Leipzig during one week as well as parts at home in Berlin.
it’s the first time we get to record all together and that everybody was present during the whole thing
(except for the vocals) so it felt way more participative and fun to make than our previous EP that was recorded mostly at each others home during the covid times.

it draws from a blend of influences, embracing elements of shoegaze, post-punk, indie, hardcore, and grunge.

During its creation, we found ourselves immersed in a lot of content related to space exploration and the earth , universe and life’s history. This cosmic journey inevitably led to many questions that tend to linger: „Why something and not nothing?“ It’s funny how exploring the vastness of the universe eventually turned into a deep dive into introspection, human consciousness, and spirituality. It’s a reflection of the realization that these unanswerable questions can indeed make you question your sanity and affect your perception of reality.

„Spiritual Sickness“ tries to captures this unique sentiment

In a way there is a continuity in the themes we’ve explored in our previous EP „Transfer Transform“, However, „Spiritual Sickness“ takes a more overarching and critical perspective on humanity and society, moving beyond personal emotions.

The album may seem pessimistic at times, but it also holds many moments of hope and solace. It’s a journey through darkness and light, like rays of sunlight breaking through clouds. This duality reflects the diverse musical influences that have shaped our band’s sound.

Artist: YEAHRS
Album: „Spiritual Sickness“
VÖ: 01.03.2024
Label: Revolver Distribution Services
Distr.: Cargo Rec.
EAN: 4260160562381
Format: coloured Vinyl + digital
Musik & Text: Morgan Oliveira
publisher: copyright control

Kontakte PR:
Presse & Online: Ralph Buchbender /
Radio: Tom Weber /
TV & Label: Matthias Kringe /



Hersteller: Revolver Distribution Services; Kringe & Weber GbR
Adresse: Ratiborstr.4, 10999 Berlin, Deutschland

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